Mexican Automobile Insurance: Mexico Road Trip Travel Tips
Thousands of U.S. and Canadian travelers, looking experience what Mexico has to offer, drive across the U.S. border for vacation and fun. Some times its their personal vehicle other times it’s a rental. Contradictory to common traveler conception, driving in Mexico is relatively safe as compared to other countries. You can visit major tourist centers, exotic resorts, and some of the untouched marvels in Mexico by car with ease and comfort. Therefore, if you want to explore Mexico, you need a Mexican Automobile Insurance as your American or Canadian car insurance is invalid in Mexico . You Need Authorized Mexican Automobile Insurance to Drive in Mexico According to Mexican law, Mexican automobile insurance is legally required if you plan on driving your own vehicle on Mexican roads. Having automobile insurance will give the assurance that you have the means to settle any damage or injuries you may be responsible for if you have an accident and someone gets seriously...